Storm in your coffee cup? Stir them up and drink them all!
Another picture from my recent Instagram post. |
It takes the haze to really define how beautiful a sunrise is. A hazy weather most of the time, always produces beautiful skyline with the ray of the sun shining through it. It takes the bad and ugly to appreciate the goodness. Applying this to coffee making, a bad espresso during your morning dial is an espresso closer to pulling a god-shot in the next, and don't forget to stop and celebrate - "Wow this shot is sweeter than the last, what did I do different now?"
Sometimes a knock in life is good to reposition one's priorities, to realign one's goals or restrategize one's plans.If you are a Barista today and is finding it hard to get a grip onto something, loosen up a little and seek solution to that problem.Storm in your coffee cup? Stir them up and drink them all. :) (after all we barista judge a good or bad coffee by tasting!) For all you know, solving the problem could be removing the obstacle to a greater thing in the coffee industry. Once the problems is solved, embraced it and celebrate them. One problem solved is one wisdom gained and the best of us are the wiser ones.
After all challenges and how we deal with it is what that defines us. Our value rises each time we learnt from a mistake and gaining experience from it. The most experienced person in the room is usually the one who also makes the most mistake in his/her life. Ask your Head Bar, your shop manager, the barista champion and be ready to hear that the only reason why they are where they are today, is because of the mistakes they made but learn from. That they are ahead because they made the mistake first and work hard in correcting them. You don't have to make the mistake again to be like them, let them mentor you for those mistakes instead, learn from it and don't be afraid to make new ones. The ones who usually do not make mistakes are the one who is not trying new things.
I don't know where I am going with this post but I am happy that I am writing, from a random social media posting and working from it to refresh this coffee blog with fresh articles. Somehow this strategy is working well for me and I hope you find some inspiration too in reading them.
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