Coffee & People: Getting a good team player is like creating an awesome blend!
"Sourcing for great single origin coffees is (relatively) easy. Getting them to work in harmony as a blend (of 2 origins or more) is a different story altogether!"
And this phrase above sums up my emotion at work the past weeks, managing hiring for our new space but at the same time inspiring my new series of short article for this blog. (I like to call it brain farts!)
Going through more then 300 CVs received over a period of 1.5 months, one would have thought it shouldn't be too hard to get a few in but really, we see aplenty talented people but can they really fit into a team and work together collectively. Can 11 Ronaldo (or 1 Mohd. Salah - sorry Pool fans) really makes a team?
After all, coffee is really a teamsport. Thoughts?
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