To Be (a Barista) Or Not to Be!
The inspiration behind this written piece discuss what is arguably
one of the most important pillars of a coffee shop business – the Barista.
*This article was written for Perfect Daily Grind, a London based coffee online platform and first appeared online on the 4th of May 2015.
Que Sera Sera
Like many children, I once
asked my mother what I would be when I grew up. I am almost certain that no
mother, including my own, ever said to their child they would be a barista as a
career choice. I cannot help but feel frustrated that a large majority of
societies still do not support the idea of a career outside the ‘traditional
box of career choices’. Study hard, go to University and be a Lawyer or
Doctor…the same old recycled message. There are many jobs that are seen as a
simple part-time job while studying or as a means to get by. Being a barista
fits this profile for many.
‘Barista-ing’ is just a Part-Time job!
Throughout the various
roles I have held in my career in cafes I have seen countless talented baristas
simply hang up their aprons after graduating from their studies. Most of them gave me the same reason as to why
they were leaving, ‘to get a full-time job that pays well with a mapped career
progression’. Our culture makes us creatures of habit, this is why many follow
the crowd rather than the heart, but you can feel alone in a busy crowd that
doesn’t care about your passion.
I am astounded by the
number of young individuals of this generation who still give into the pressure
of pursuing money in a career that is devoid of their passion. Surely we can enjoy
both money and happiness by taking the road less travelled. I am not alone when
I say that as a Barista, coffee is my passion and my career.
Baristas do have career progression options.
A Barista is a job title
that has been confined to the four walls of a café. Unfortunately many people
do not realise that Baristas have other avenues they can explore within the
industry. Many baristas become interested in roasting, training,
managing/operating coffee businesses, compete in competitions, become judges or
even Q graders.
Many world famous chefs who
built their fame creating signature dishes call themselves ‘Chef’ followed by
their name, yet a majority of them are not in the kitchen anymore, battling the
heat and stress. Many of these chefs sit at the helm of successful restaurants.
Their scars remind them of what it took to get to where they are.
Baristas who move on to
other positions in the industry are no different in my opinion. They may be
spending less time behind the bar, more time cupping coffee, successfully
distributing coffees to other cafes or even travelling to origin rather than
punching the cash register. Regardless, their original title as a barista can
be worn with honour because it is where most journeys begin.
Barista Pride.
The value and meaning of
the title ‘barista’ has changed significantly. A barista is not just any person
who serves coffee. Only connoisseurs of coffee brewing truly wear that title.
A barista stands at the
forefront where coffee meets consumer, therefore a barista has the power to
educate consumers about what they are purchasing. Not just in terms of the quality
of what the customer consumes, but also the power coffee has to change the
lives of impoverished rural communities in coffee producing countries. When a
barista knows the product they serve is ethically sourced, sustainable and is
empowering the producer, they are proud to represent the coffee on behalf of
its producers.
A barista is there to
ensure that the consumer receives the producer’s product at its best as
consistently as possible. This comes with experience, but more importantly
passion. A barista’s craft is their trophy, but what they leaves in the minds
of the consumer changes consumer attitudes towards coffee and how it can be an
empowering commodity. Thanks to the many baristas that saw this value in themselves,
the coffee industry and consumers have shifted towards a more ethical and
sustainable model that benefits all parties from crop to cup.
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